Documentation.Viewer History

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February 07, 2012, at 10:30 AM by -
Changed line 91 from:
build/bin/rgbd-viewer --calibration kinect_calibration.yml --image grab1/view0000
build/bin/rgbd-viewer --calibration calibration-SERIAL.yml --image grab1/SERIAL/view0000
Changed line 96 from:
build/bin/rgbd-viewer --calibration kinect_calibration.yml --directory grab1
build/bin/rgbd-viewer --calibration calibration-SERIAL.yml --directory grab1/SERIAL
Changed line 98 from:
This will cycle through the set of viewXXXX images inside the @@grab1@@ directory.
This will cycle through the set of viewXXXX images inside the @@grab1/SERIAL@@ directory, where SERIAL is the serial number of your Kinect.
January 29, 2012, at 06:27 PM by -
Changed line 89 from:
* You can grab RGBDImages using the @@File/Grab Frame@@ command. This stores the files into @@viewXXXX@@ directories (see the Calibration section), that can be replayed later using the fake image grabber. This can be activated using the @@--image@@ option:
* You can grab `RGBDImages using the @@File/Grab Frame@@ command. This stores the files into @@viewXXXX@@ directories (see the Calibration section), that can be replayed later using the fake image grabber. This can be activated using the @@--image@@ option:
January 29, 2012, at 06:27 PM by -
Added lines 1-100:
!! Running the viewer (rgbd-viewer)

* Binaries are in the @@build/bin/@@ directory, you can give it a try without calibration using:

If you get an error such as:

libusb couldn't open USB device /dev/bus/usb/001/087: Permission denied.
libusb requires write access to USB device nodes.
FATAL failure: freenect_open_device() failed

Give access rights to your user with:
sudo chmod 666 /dev/bus/usb/001/087
Or install the udev rules provided by libfreenect.

!!! Switching between backends

There are two supported backends for Kinect devices, @@libfreenect@@ and @@OpenNI/Nite@@. By default, if the @@NESTK_USE_OPENNI@@ Cmake variable is enabled, demo programs will choose the `OpenNI backend. If you want to switch to the libfreenect backend, you can use the @@freenect@@ command line option:
build/bin/rgbd-viewer --freenect

!!! High resolution mode

When using the `OpenNI backend, you can enable high RGB resolution mode to get 1280x1024 color images @ 10Hz with the @@highres@@ option:
build/bin/rgbd-viewer --highres

!!! Running the viewer with calibration

* Just give it the path to the calibration file:
build/bin/rgbd-viewer --calibration kinect_calibration.yml

'''New since `RGBDemo v0.4.0''': if there is a @@kinect_calibration.yml@@ file in the current directory, it will be loaded automatically.

* You should get a window similar to this:
%height=240px% Attach:viewer_output_main_v2.png

* The main frame is the color-encoded depth image. By moving the mouse, you can see the distance in meters towards a particular pixel. Images are now undistorted.

* You can filter out some value and normalize the depth color range with the filter window (Show / Filters). The Edge filter is recommended.
%height=240px% Attach:viewer_output_filters.png

* You can get a very simple depth-threshold based segmentation with Show / Object Detector
%height=240px% Attach:viewer_output_detection.png

* You can get a 3D view in Show / 3D Window.
%height=240px% Attach:viewer_output_view3d_cloud.png

* By default you get a grayscale point cloud. You can activate color:
%height=240px% Attach:viewer_output_view3d_cloud_color.png

* And finally textured triangles :
%height=240px% Attach:viewer_output_view3d_triangles.png

* You can also save the mesh using the @@Save current mesh@@ button, it will store in into a @@current_mesh.ply@@ file that you can open with Meshlab [[|Meshlab]]:
%height=320px% Attach:viewer_output_meshlab.png

* Or import into [[|Blender]]:
%height=320px% Attach:viewer_output_blender.png

* The associated texture is written into a @@current_mesh.ply.texture.png@@ file and can be loaded into the UV editor in Blender.

!! Getting Infrared Images

* You can activate the IR mode in the capture menu. There is also a dual RGB/IR mode alternating between the two modes.
%height=280px% Attach:viewer_output_ir.png
'''Note: this is currently only available with libfreenect backend'''

!! Moving the Tilt motor

This is only possible with the @@libfreenect@@ backend. Open the @@Filters@@ window and you can set the Kinect tilt on the bottom slider.

!! Replay mode

* You can grab RGBDImages using the @@File/Grab Frame@@ command. This stores the files into @@viewXXXX@@ directories (see the Calibration section), that can be replayed later using the fake image grabber. This can be activated using the @@--image@@ option:
build/bin/rgbd-viewer --calibration kinect_calibration.yml --image grab1/view0000

* You can also replay a sequence of images stored in a directory with the @@--directory@@ option:
build/bin/rgbd-viewer --calibration kinect_calibration.yml --directory grab1
This will cycle through the set of viewXXXX images inside the @@grab1@@ directory.

'''Note:''' You will also need a calibration file if you used `OpenNI backend to grab the images. You can get one by running the viewer and selecting @@File/Save calibration parameters@@.