Current features
- Grab kinect images and visualize / replay them
- Support for libfreenect and OpenNI/Nite backends
- Extract skeleton data / hand point position (Nite backend)
- Integration with OpenCV and PCL
- Multiple Kinect support and calibration
- Calibrate the camera to get point clouds in metric space (libfreenect)
- Export to meshlab/blender using .ply files
- Demo of 3D scene reconstruction using a freehand Kinect
- Demo of people detection and localization
- Demo of gesture recognition and skeleton tracking using Nite
- Demo of 3D model estimation of objects lying on a table (based on PCL table top object detector)
- Demo of multiple kinect calibration
- Linux, MacOSX and Windows support
Sample videos
Object model acquistion with a marker board:
Object model acquisition from a single top view:
The multikinect calibration on the following video:
The 3D freehand reconstruction demo on the following video:
The people detection feature on the following video:
And a snapshot of the skeleton and hand point tracking here: