Main.Features History

Show minor edits - Show changes to output

January 29, 2012, at 07:49 PM by -
Changed lines 21-25 from:
You can have a look at the new object detection demo on the following video:
Object model acquistion with a marker board:

(:youtube iK_r2Ru3wP4:)

Object model acquisition from a single top view
January 26, 2012, at 05:04 PM by -
Changed lines 2-3 from:
Added line 19:
January 26, 2012, at 05:01 PM by -
Added lines 1-38:
!! Current features

* Grab kinect images and visualize / replay them
* Support for [[|libfreenect]] and [[|OpenNI/Nite]] backends
* Extract skeleton data / hand point position (Nite backend)
* Integration with [[|OpenCV]] and [[|PCL]]
* Multiple Kinect support and calibration
* Calibrate the camera to get point clouds in metric space (libfreenect)
* Export to meshlab/blender using .ply files
* Demo of 3D scene reconstruction using a freehand Kinect
* Demo of people detection and localization
* Demo of gesture recognition and skeleton tracking using Nite
* Demo of 3D model estimation of objects lying on a table (based on PCL table top object detector)
* Demo of multiple kinect calibration
* Linux, `MacOSX and Windows support

!! Sample videos

You can have a look at the new object detection demo on the following video:

(:youtube Aoa_3l8uxIE:)

The multikinect calibration on the following video:

(:youtube zkhQbS7qKig:)

The 3D freehand reconstruction demo on the following video:

(:youtube Cldf7UdFq1k:)

The people detection feature on the following video:

(:youtube nnCDOKLuu0g:)

And a snapshot of the skeleton and hand point tracking here:

%height=320px% Attach:skeletor.png